Leather Pass Case Wallet

  Leather Pass Case Wallet
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The Leather Pass Case Wallet from the Casual Collection has been crafted in a top stitched and turned edge construction. The leather is made as thin as its strength will allow and re-enforced with ultra thin nylon lining. We make our products in the finest European style of folding. This allows our stitching to be close to the edges for a very clean yet crafted look.

The Leather Pass Case Wallet proves to be a very functional wallet. Room to spare with pockets that will hold more that one card each. This wallet will hold American and Foreign currency, has Top Stitched Pocket Construction, 7 Credit Card Pockets, a Removable I.D. Pass Case, 2 Full Size Panel Pockets, and a Divided Currency Compartment.

Size: 4 1/2" x 3 5/8"

Item #CC3